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Image by Richard Jaimes


What we encounter within our sexuality offers a mirror to our core life themes

A commitment to embodying your eros brings broad spectrum change

Not only within you erotic encounters, but extending through the realms of sex, money, relating, personal power, worthiness, self-acceptance and self-love

I am pleased to offer this embodiment coaching intensive to assist you in creating, and living out, 

the fulfilling sensual intimacy that you wish for  - with yourself and/or in partnership(s)

Including a personalised blend of the below modalities to best suit your intent for working together



SOMATIC EXPERIENCING trauma re-negotiation


 Learn more about your body's pleasure responses, starting with your current patterns and habits and looking for ways to expand and grow what is possible for you to experience - in sex and beyond...


transforming routine self-touch

into a mindful and nourishing somatic practice

see also 'a ritual of me' + 'power of pleasure'

issues around orgasm

too soon, not soon enough, not at all, not with a partner

healing premature ejaculation and erection issues

on an embodied level

sexual healing bodywork

for expansion of somatic awareness, restoring sensation and improved access to pleasure

see also sexual healing

supporting those who have been touched without consent

to find their way back to empowerment

boundary setting, embodied consent and assertiveness

somatic experiencing and trauma re-negotiation for those who get stuck in freeze or 'pleaser mode'

see also shadow somatics

learning what you want in terms of touch

working with the 'bossy massage' structure and wheel of consent

additionally, for those wanting to move towards experimenting with another gender,

I offer support in that process

moving through a lack of desire

orgasmic meditation / genital meditation

integrating tantric and taoist techniques

into a spiritual practice that lacks sexual grounding or is 'cut off' from the lower chakras

see also kundalini initiation

why waste more time avoiding what you deserve?


I want to get more in touch with myself, I feel disconnected somehow from my body, feelings and desires I've heard about energy but don't really know what it means How can Tantra inspire my sex life? ​ I feel stuck in my head in life and this reflects in my sexual connections I'd like to be more present to my pleasure ​ I need everything to be harder and faster in my life, but notice that its not fulfilling me How can I reset my sensual sensitivity? ​ My sexuality has become routine, with myself and/or with my partner it feels the same How can I expand? ​ I have a spiritual practice in place but haven't managed to integrate sexuality into that sphere of my life ​ I wish for deeper connections but feel the need to protect against intimacy - how can I change that? ​ I experience pelvic pain, soreness during arousal/sex or menstrual issues and would like support to explore this I am curious to explore my sexuality and experiment with other genders - how can I approach this in a safe way while being present to any fears that arise? ​ I don't feel comfortable with my body and its affecting my sexual confidence ​ I am curious about anal play but have soreness or shame around this area and am not sure what I like ​ I somehow feel underlying shame around sex... how can I release these feelings and celebrte my pleasure? ​ I feel disconnected from my body and find it hard to know what I want or how to ask for my needs to be met ​ I find it hard to trust others when it comes to touch and wish for support around what I need to feel safe to open up ​ I have experienced violation physically, emotionally and/or sexually and would like to process that and find my voice ​ I feel insecure around pleasuring my partner and would like to learn more about how to give sensual touch ​ I'd like to move my sexuality away from the pressure of 'desire' and 'needing' into a space of curiosity and expansion ​ I can't always get physically aroused (erection/lubrication) when I want to and would like to understand why that is ​ I orgasm sooner than I would like to and wish to learn more about why this happens so that I can change it ​ I find it hard to orgasm at all and I would really like to ​ I can orgasm alone easily but with a partner something is getting in the way ​ I am not sure how to communicate my desires clearly with my partner when it comes to sex ​ I would like more ideas how to approach sex with my partner in new ways and feel more creative in our sensual connection


I will always be fully clothed or wearing a sarong in sessions,

respecting a professional distance to support you in your learning

Any touch is given in one direction (from me to you)

There will be appropriate preparation for touch sessions in terms of practicing boundaries and setting up what you need from me regarding trust and safety

Any pelvic touch in line with your learning intent will be given wearing nitrile gloves within my own boundaries, and with your specific consent both before beginning the session and during

Bodywork will normally be performed on a massage table or a futon depending upon requirements

Available in Berlin, Lisbon and London as well as internationally

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