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on resistance and advice

That feeling when someone tries to tell you what's ‚good’ for you…

We’ve all been there… Someone—maybe a partner, family member, or friend—suggests what they think is best for you, and even though their intentions are good, something inside you just has the instinct to resist

It’s not that you don’t value their opinion

Or even that what they are saying isn’t logically correct

It’s that deep down, you want to protect the freedom to decide what is right for you,

and not simply conform to outside influence

It’s about your autonomy, your choice, your power

And yet, on the other hand, being mindful and conscious also means being able to notice the difference between an automated ego response of ‚don’t tell me what to do‘ and what is a genuinely self-reflected and autonomous decision to politely decline someone's input

When we’re told what we 'should' do or what’s 'best' for us, it can feel like a threat to our own agency

And that resistance? It’s our body and mind saying, “I am the expert of my own life.”

Each time this happens its important to be truly sovereign

And that means, even from your own ego…

In the sense that, being attached to resisting others can also be a pattern

Humility asks us to allow the information in and make a conscious decision

There are some people who always say yes and appease… and others who always say no and resist…

Both are limiting in the end, as they are patterns that don’t allow you to be free to choose whether, in each case, you will appease or resist the outside influence

That moment of actual choice would be the true freedom we are looking for

It's okay to listen to advice, but always remember that the most important voice is your own

You are in charge of your journey—and that’s where growth and freedom come from

Next time you feel that resistance, honor it. Trust yourself.

But also…. be aware… are you stuck in an ego trip?




ps. more on this coming soon in

'From People-Pleasing to Personal Power - Mastering Boundaries in Life & Love'

a 6 week online journey for women



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