I am pleased to offer a series of online support sessions to assist you to live, love and create the fulfilling sensual intimacy that you wish for in your partnership
- compassionate support in sexual topics
- conflict resolution as a couple
- looking at common triggers in the relationship
- practicing non-violent communication
- somatic experiencing trauma re-negotiation
- working with the developmental model in couples therapy
- working as a team to create the relating environment you dream of
- supporting each other in your healing and growth
- building the tools to differentiate yourselves and honour your individuality within the relationship
These sessions build an embodied practice together over time under an overall aim we will define (and possibly redefine) together within our first meeting
We would ideally meet anything from 4-12 times over a 6 month period
Learn more about your typical trauma and conflict responses, starting with your current patterns and habits and looking for ways to expand and grow what is possible for you to experience together as a couple
Look together for ways to deepen your connection into a blend of BOTH safety and adventure, with both being needed to keep a connection moving in the long term
Discuss freely any sexual issues and find clarity around expectations and desires with each other
Include consideration as to your erotic practice as a couple in the support, ensuring that we can work on all levels of your relationship with loving compassion and understanding from my side
I also support couples who are in alternate relating structures and am a kink friendly coach
160 EUR | GBP
per 90mins
Each session lasts around 90mins and will be structured in collaboration together in order to best support you in moving towards your desired intention for this coaching journey
involving discussion, practical somatic exercises where necessary
550 EUR | GBP
per four session package
How does it work?
The adventure begins by feeling into those longings deep inside as to what you really wish for and daring to speak them out as we consider together how I can support you along the way
The most successful coaching arises from your own willingness to fine-tune your clarity as to what it is you truly want at each step
Intention setting is such a large part of any process inviting change that I recommend to consider yours before contacting me to set up an initial intake chat free of charge where we will look more closely together at where you want to go with this process
Sessions are always a co-creation between us based upon an overall intention for your time working with me which is then focused into a 'bite-size step' per online meeting with a clear summary of your own perceived learning at the end
We will decide upon a suitable practice to continue with between sessions that contributes towards your desired growth
Who is this work not for?
Those hoping for a quick fix solution to mechanisms that often take years to have built up to their current outcome
All issues can be worked with in the sense of finding deeper understanding as to the wisdom of the body and learning how to make different choices through educating yourself, becoming aware of what's going on on the somatic level, feeling into what needs to be felt and focusing on embodying new action that is in line with what you truly want. None of this will usually happen overnight, especially if handing over the responsibility for your healing to others rather than being actively involved in the process and using the time between sessions to integrate the learnings while practicing regularly whatever homestudy we may decide upon to benefit the growth you are aiming for